Sunday, May 25, 2008

...the final reason why Hillary must go...

We've forgiven Hillary Rodham Clinton eighteen (18!) campaign gaffes, outright fabrications and questionable examples of "fuzzy math" in the name of seeing how far the first woman with a shot [sic] at her party's nomination for president of the United States might go. I think we've finally seen.

We've also forgiven her screechiness, crocodile tears, "exhaustion," mud-slinging (glass houses and all...) and several faux pas in the name of making her points. And she's run quite a campaign - a dreadful one, I might add...

However, she's finally crossed a line that cannot be crossed in this country: raising the specter of her opponent's possible assassination as her final reason for staying in the contest. If I had serious doubts about both her and her candidacy before hand, and I did, this was the final straw.

The videos at the bottom of this page tell the tale, and should give any of us pause when considering Hillary's continued candidacy for an office which, finally shown by these statements, she has no idea of how to achieve or how to fill.

Followup note: See, in the following links, how HRC now blames the Obama staff for fanning the flames of her inexplicable and inexcusable gaffe, from the Huffington Post , and here, and here...

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx

1 comment:

titivillus said...

you have done your homework; thanks